The Bramwell Brown Blog

Meet the Blogger and their Weather Clock - Louise from Pink Pear Bear

This week we are talking to lifestyle blogger Louise from Pink Pear Bear

Can you tell us a bit about your blog please?

I started my blog soon after I had my second child. It was a hobby to start with but has grown into a little business that I’m ever so proud of. It’s a lifestyle blog and covers parenting, family travel, mental health and recipes. Everything that’s important to me really!


What's your favourite room in the house and why?

The kitchen, always! It’s the hub of the home and where we all gather together to eat and talk and laugh.

Where do you hang your Bramwell Brown Weather Clock and why?

It’s in the kitchen so the children can check the weather before we head out!

Can you sum your Bramwell Brown Weather Clock up in three words?

Beautiful, fun and useful!

Any tips for incorporating clocks into your interior design?

I think it’s important to fit your interior design around your clock or vice versa, pick out colours or textures that match to make it a part of the room rather then an addition. They make great talking pieces.

What are the big interior trends that we should be looking out for in 2019?

That is an excellent question and one I’m not certain of myself! I am very much a believer in styling a house or a person in a manner that is timeless and classic so I wouldn’t really follow trends but choose themes that I love.


Finally, we love mechanical/ analogue objects; what mechanical/ analogue do you have in your home or remember from your childhood that you love(d)? 

I have a little statue that you wind and it plays happy birthday. It was my Granny’s and she would play it to us or down the phone on every birthday. The mechanisms are old now and it’s got slower and slower over the years but it has so much sentimental value attached that I would never part with it.

Thank you to Louise for speaking with us.