We truly want you to enjoy your clock for years and years, so let's start on the right foot by getting it safely hung. We've made a video that you might like to watch below.
Top Tip! Don't forget to take a note of your clock's serial number on its back before hanging - you can use this to register the clock for its extended warranty. See below...
If you haven't seen it already, the handy instruction manual that is inside the box explains quite a few things that you may find helpful or interesting:
- How your clock works and how it was designed
- Suggested battery life of your clock
- Advice and problem solving (if you might have any worries at all!)
- More about us and what we do at Bramwell Brown Clocks Workshop & HQ
An Extended Warranty
The manual also suggests registering your clock for its extended warranty. Whilst you have the clock still off the wall, you can take a look at the Serial Number that is next to the Quartz mechanism. Click here to fill out a short form to extend your warranty, should your clock need some care at our workshop (we very much trust it won't).
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